5 Tips to Live Inspired in the New Year
Do you want to make this your best year yet? You can!!! Making the new year amazing doesn't begin and end with setting and accomplishing...

Breakthrough and Transform
Transformation. A word I've always found to be heavily weighted with so much depth and meaning. For some, it's a scary word synonymous...

Going the Distance. Dream it. Do it.
There is plenty of adversity along this road we call life, but once you tap into the strength and power within yourself you'll be unstop

Everybody poops. Let it set you free...
There's a lesson to be learned from all that messy stuff in life. Use it to learn and grow from. Plant seeds, push through the dark and

6 Tips to Retrain Your Brain for Positivity
Yesterday I posted about the power of positive thinking. Today, I provide you with some tips for making positive thinking a way of life....

Turn Impossible Into Possible
I'm worthless. I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. There's no way I can do that. "They" have more experience and knowledge. If...