The Secret to Confidence & Connection
Over the past decade of coaching, teaching and training on public speaking I've noticed a common trend: the shift from conversation to presentation often leads to a loss of voice and identity. We ditch our true selves the moment we step on stage, becoming stiff and unnatural. Or on the other end of the spectrum, we start behaving like actors putting on a performance.
While this might feel like the “safe” choice, it's actually the worst move you can make. I know because I've been there. It wasn't until I ditched the "persona" I thought people wanted and started being myself that I began stepping on stage with confidence and making real connections.
Audiences crave authenticity. They're there to hear YOU, your unique perspective, your story, not some robot that sounds overly rehearsed and impersonal.
Let’s be honest, information is everywhere these days, at our fingertips 24/7 with a few quick clicks or swipes. What audiences really want is YOUR spin on that information. They want to be motivated and inspired by YOUR story and experience. That's where the magic lies.
My advice? Treat every presentation like a chat with friends. Ditch the stiff rules and just be YOU. Speak naturally, share your thoughts and connect. Because when you're genuine, that's when the real connection—and confidence—happens; and connection and confidence are EVERYTHING in public speaking.
SPEAC Success,
Shannon Malkin Daniels
Public Speaking & Authenticity Coach